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Energy Drinks: Advertising

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Today, I would like to discuss the frenzy of the energy drink market... well, more importantly the lack of effective TV ad's in the market. If you take a look at the major players in the market, besides Red Bull, you will notice these companies don't spend much money on TV ad's. Why is Red Bull the only player in the market to run TV ad's (that I've seen or heard of)? The target demographic of this market is males and females, age 15 to 30 looking to get a little extra out of their day. This group is active, but still spends a lot of time around TV's and computers... where properly produced ad's would shine. What I've experienced working in this industry, as a marketing rep for 2 years, is that people love these drinks because of the taste, energy, and ease of consumption. Their taste allows them to be consumed in any weather or time of the day... juice flavors for the morning, cola ones for the afternoon, and if your having a rough day you can mix in a little alcohol... relaxing and energizing?

An energy drink company that truly amazes me is.... Monster (a.k.a. Hansen's Natural). They are currently the industry leader (#2 Red Bull and #3 Rockstar) and don't seem to be loosing any steam. I think it's their marketing plan that amazes me, since they focus mainly on sponsorships and not media ad's. I understand that having key sponsorships will lead to TV and other media implementation, but history shows us that most successful companies have strong media campaigns (coke, pepsi, geico, anheuser busch...etc), which cost a tremendous amount of money. I know those companies wish they could spend their advertising dollars strictly on sponsoring athletes and celebrities... they would save millions. Energy Drink companies get away with it, but if they did happen to create some TV ad's I'd like to see some shots taken at Red Bull or other major players. It is after all a competitive market which, in my opinion, should be marketed/advertised better. I created some quick campaigns and catch phrases that I thought consumers would appreciate... you be the judge... Do you think these ad's would appeal to you? Keep in mind I'm still fairly new to photoshop...

The Best Computer Dock: Henge Docks

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The other day, while perusing the internet, I stumbled across a new product for macs called "Henge Docks." After reading through their website and watching a couple video's I came to the assumption that this might be one of the coolest products for mac owners. First off, what is a Henge Dock? A henge dock is a docking station (for mac's) that allows you to take advantage of all your external connections in one seamless device. Basically, it allows you to connect to an external monitor, home theater, or media station within a couple seconds.

I could see this product selling well because of the three main points: Ease of Use,Clean/Stylish, and enables your TV to be computer (movies, games, music). It's one of those idea's where you think to yourself... why didn't I think of that? Well, you didn't but luckily someone else did. You can pick the little booger up for around $60, as it states on their website, which in my opinion is a steal. So, if you own a new mac and are in the market for some neat accessories check them out. To work on my photoshop and advertising skills I decided to mess around and create some ad's. Look them through and tell me what you think. Cheers...

Jobless in 2010

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Today I was looking back at college. The days of carelessness and ignorance. The days where you could wake up at 3:00pm and not be in any sort of trouble. Now, however, is the time of decisions. What job should I take? Where should I live? What salary should I accept? I feel like these ideas float in my head daily, which isn't a bad thing, but when will I answer them? The answer is simple. Whenever I get a job. A problem some might see easily corrected, but in my case... not so much. I have been looking for the right job for about 6 months now and it's starting to wear on me. I know 6 months is a long time, but I'm not gonna to settle for a gig as a car salesman, insurance salesman, or real estate agent. Not that those are bad jobs, just not for me. The fields I'm looking to get into are marketing, advertising, or any internet job. Those are my passions and that's what I'm going to do... end O' story. You would think these would be easy jobs to land, but in my experience, it's not. It seems like every interview I go to the results are always the same. No, you don't have any sales experience. You don't have any sales experience? Come on people, of course I have sales experience... just not business sales. I always try to portray to the interviewers that just because I don't have any b2b sales experience doesn't mean I'm not qualified. I've had just about every job under the sun a 24 year old could have. Let's see... ummm... I've held a job since I was 14 and sometimes two at a time. I've been a bartender, cashier, construction worker, pizza maker,mover, sandwich maker, marketing rep, painter, audio installer, retail sales (Tweeter, American Eagle, Dick's Sporting Goods), and even lasted a week on an assembly line at Maytag (I wasn't made to stand in one spot for 10 hours a day... sorry). The reason I list all these jobs to interviewers is to show that if I can hold and excel in all these positions; which should only clarify that I'm a "Will Do" kinda guy ("Can Do" is too cliche' for me), the kind of guy that's good with helping and solving peoples needs. Not in their eyes though. They still see a big fat "O" in the number of years of b2b sales experience column. I guess I'm gonna have to get some b2b sales experience before I can get a job in marketing or advertising, which I will gladly do if I can find one. I know this is getting long, so I'll touch up on the rest of this discussion on another day.